Love Thy Neighbor Sermon Series

Extend the Love of Christ to Your Community
According to a 2021 Pew Research poll, 63% of the U.S. population identify as Christians, down from 75% a decade ago. Having been in church marketing for the last 25 years, this does not surprise me. People are disassociating themselves with religion.
Maybe the reason for this is how people who claim to be Christians treat others. Your church can't be immune to this. Have you looked at the social media posts from your members? Do your members sit down with people who don't look or talk like them and break bread? Do your members complain about the "Liberals" or "Conservatives" who visit the church? If none of these apply to your church, then your church is perfect - You are doing an Awesome job. God Bless You...
The truth is we can all stand for a little refresher from time to time in what the bible says about the second greatest commandment of Jesus, which is equally as important as the first.
This is why we created this sermon series, "Love Thy Neighbor," and we are offering a discount to use it this fall. If you want, you can modify it with your own messages as long as the main theme remains the same. And we will even do your design for free.
If this is something you want to explore further, fill out the form below, and one of our church marketing consultants will reach out to you by email.